Research Data Management and Open Science in Social Sciences Workshops

NEW IN 2024! Advanced Skills for Research Data Management and Open Science in Social Sciences (Online - 26-30 August 2024 & 9 September and On-Campus 25-29 November 2024)

New Course to Equip Doctoral and Early-Career Researchers with Essential Skills in Research Data Management and Open Science

The Summer School for Social Sciences Methods is excited to announce a brand new course designed to empower doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the ever-evolving landscape of scholarly work. "Advanced Skills for Research Data Management and Open Science in Social Sciences" delves into the critical skillsets needed to navigate the increased emphasis on transparency, collaboration, and data-driven research.

Why is this Course Important?

The course equips researchers with a robust understanding of Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science (OS) practices. These practices are no longer just "nice to haves" but essential for a successful research career. Mastering RDM and OS not only helps with completing doctoral theses and achieving publishing success, but also enhances research productivity and opens up broader career opportunities.

What Makes this Course Unique?

This intensive and comprehensive program goes beyond simply teaching technical skills. Designed to follow the research data cycle, the course seamlessly blends theory with hands-on activities. Participants will work on a dynamic data management plan as their central project, allowing them to directly apply learnings to their ongoing research.

Course Offerings:

Due to the high initial interest, the course will be offered twice. See the full programme description by clicking on the prefered course link:

  • Online: Week 3 of the Summer School (August 26th-30th) with an assessment-only session on September 9th.
  • In-person: On campus in Lugano from November 25th-29th.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to gain a competitive edge in your research career!



Register for the on-campus RDM@SSM course

Registration for the online RDM@SSM course are now closed.