28th Summer School in Social Sciences Methods 8-30 August 2024

NEW IN 2024! Advanced Skills for Research Data Management and Open Science in Social Sciences (Online - 26-30 August 2024 & 9 September and On-Campus 25-29 November 2024)
Qualitative Comparative Analysis: Research Design and Application Instructor: Patrick A. Mello Modality: In presence Week 2: 19-23 August 2024
What the participants said about the last Summer School: Excellent instructors and a friendly atmosphere
Qualitative analyses of interview data Lecturer: Jolanta Drzewiecka Modality: In presence Week 2: 19 - 23 August 2024 Waiting list now open
Our rich social programme includes networking dinner with a view each week as well as guided excursions and less formal get togethers
Design Thinking for Research Lecturer: Sebastian Kernbach Modality: In presence Week 1: 12 - 16 August 2024 50% of spaces now booked!
What the participants said about the last Summer School: Extend your research network
Causal Analysis with Observational Data Instructor: Michael Grätz Modality: In presence Week 2: 19-23 August 2024 Last places remaining!
What the participants said about the last Summer School: A work-intensive week in a beautiful location

Gear Up for Summer Learning in Lugano!

Mark your calendars! The highly anticipated Summer School in Social Science Methods is back for its 28th edition, happening from August 8th to 30th, 2024. We're excited to welcome you to Lugano, Switzerland, for an enriching in-person and online learning experience.


Revamped Program 

We've revamped the program this year, offering a chance to refresh, deepen, and expand your methodological toolkit, regardless of your background – doctoral student, experienced researcher, or practitioners.


Why Choose Our Summer School?

  • Diverse Course Selection: Choose from four introductory workshops and 22 intensive, one-week courses covering qualitative, quantitative, hybrid methods, cross-methods, and transversal skills.
  • Immersive Learning: Experience two weeks of focused learning in the beautiful setting of the Università della Svizzera italiana campus in Lugano.
  • Vibrant Social Program: Connect with fellow participants and explore Lugano through our social program, including a welcome coffee talk, the Summer School Dinner, local excursions, and networking opportunities.


Make your summer productive and rewarding!

Registration for the research methods Summer School courses is now closed. We might accept late registrations for courses which have still places available - email us to find out whether you are still allowed to register!


Interested in attending one of the Advanced Skills for Research Data Management and Open Science in Social Sciences (the RDM@SSM) courses?

Registration for both the online (in August) and in-person (in November) editions of the course is now open - you can use the buttons below to register now!

Register for the online RDM@SSM course

Register for the on-campus RDM@SSM course


Would you like to stay up-to-date with the Summer School's latest news?

Register for our Newsletter!

We're excited to announce an expansion of the Summer School in Social Science Methods, offering a dedicated program for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in collaboration with the IMCA institute at USI. The Doctoral School ‘Socio-Cultural Approaches in Business Studies: Theoretical Foundations and Theory-Building’. Registrations for the first course in Interpretivism and Sensemaking are now open. To find out more, visit the dedicated webpages here.



The Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society at USI is a proud partner institution of the Methods Excellence Network (MethodsNET), which endorses our Summer School. Visit the MethodsNET “events” page to discover other useful training events!