The Middle Ages between inhabited solitude and journeys through memory lane


Institutional Communication Service

11 May 2020

Francesca Galli, lecturer at the Institute of Italian Studies, tells us about the sense of being restrained and the desire to escape, about journeys and places of memory, introducing us to authors and figures of medieval literature.

From our homes, medieval literature can in fact bring us on a journey thorough time and space, accompany us in the exploration of places within, giving voice to the perception of absence. The short path proposed in the video is accompanied by some reading suggestions since, as Augustine said "what cheers up the mind also nourishes it" (Conf. XIII 27).

Further readings:

Giulio Busi, Marco Polo, Milan 2018

Italo Calvino, The Invisible Cities, Turin 1972

Roberta De Monticelli, L'allegria della mente: dialogando con Agostino, Milan 2004

Chiara Frugoni, Una solitudine abitata. Chiara d’Assisi, Roma 2006

Ivan Illich, In the vineyard of the text. For an ethology of reading, Milan 1994

Jaufre Rudel, L'amore di lontano, a c. di G. Chiarini, Rome 2003

Alessandro Scafi, A history of heaven on earth. Mapping the Garden of Eden, Milan 2007

Il Medioevo fra solitudini abitate e viaggi nella memoria

