
Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi

Start date: 14 December 2021

End date: 31 January 2022


Researcher / Research Associate (RA) LabiSAlp

LabiSAlp periodically and for a two-year period, awards to a limited number of historians the status of Researcher Associate (RA). The statute allows the use of certain services offered by the Laboratory of Alpine History. The aim is to allow a group of researchers, active in the field of Alpine History, to present and discuss their research in the framework of four seminars organized and coordinated by the Laboratory of Alpine History. During the two-year period, two annual meetings are organized (in June and December). 

Criteria and conditions for admission

To be eligible for RA status, one must have completed academic studies in the humanities and social sciences and have ongoing research in the broader field of Alpine history. RA status is granted for a period of two years. An application, accompanied by a CV and presentation of the research project to be developed, may be renewed for three consecutive two-year terms and resubmitted after an interval.


You can submit your candidacy at the end of each two-year period. For organizational and financial reasons LabiSAlp can accept only a limited number of applications.

Documentation required

1. Curriculum Vitae with list of publications.

2. Original research project (8000 characters including spaces and notes) with indications on how it was carried out and in which context (research mandate, individual or team research, doctoral project, contribution to scientific conference, etc.).

3. Choice of two published or forthcoming articles.


Provided that RA status does not in any way imply employment status or the payment of a salary:

1. Status entitles you to the title of Research Associate/Research Associate LabiSAlp.

2. LabiSAlp bears travel and living expenses for semester-long seminars.

3. LabiSAlp supports RAs by facilitating their academic contacts and advising them about procedures for obtaining research grants.

4. Subject to venue availability, RAs may use LabiSAlp's premises as a place to work and use its facilities.

5. The Laboratory can financially support the RAs for research expenses (registration fees and expenses incurred for participation - with a report - in conferences or scientific meetings related to the research project presented at LabiSAlp; travel and/or accommodation expenses incurred for research stays at libraries or archives carried out outside the daily travel radius, about 100 km) with an annual amount fixed at the beginning of the biennium and attributable according to the criteria communicated at the beginning of the biennium. This amount may be exceeded for tasks expressly commissioned by the Laboratory.

Obligations of RAs

1. RAs are expected to participate actively in the biennium program. Attendance at seminars is mandatory.

2. During the two-year period of activity, membership in the International Association for the History of the Alps is required (annual fee 30 CHF). It entitles you to two issues of the journal "Histoire des Alpes - Storia delle Alpi - Geschichte der Alpen".

3. At the end of the two-year period, the RAs are required to deliver a scientific article that will be published (in paper and electronic form) in the working papers collection of LabiSAlp, Percorsi di ricerca (http://www.labisalp.arc.usi.ch/it/pubblicazioni/working-papers).

4. RAs are required to submit to the LabiSAlp secretariat documentation of the expenses for which they request reimbursement.

Start and duration of the biennium

The two-year period 2022-2023 will begin in March 2022 and end in February 2024.

Applications, with documentation, are due by January 31, 2022 to the following adress

Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi (LabiSAlp)

USI - Accademia di architettura

Largo Bernasconi 2

CH-6850 Mendrisio


Per ulteriori informazioni

[email protected]

Tel. +41 58 666 58 19
