Support to smusi for their welcome event

Student Corporation

30 September 2022

Decision No: D-0922-01  
In case of divergences in the translations, the Italian version prevails.

The Student Council at its meeting on 26 March 2022, has decided to support with CHF 900.00 a proposal submitted by the student association smusi, for a welcome event for first-year students of the Faculty of Biomedicine, the event aims at getting to know each other and features a scavenger hunt activity with little quizzes or exercises throughout Lugano.

Details of the decision
The Student Council supports the project in line with the Corporation's aim to support the initiatives of the Student Associations.

The proponent Association has been invited for the future to manage to finance themselves to reduce the original budget quota on the charge of the Corporation.

Decision procedure 
The Decision was taken by the Student Council unanimously. The requested credit has been adjusted and will be made available in the form defined in concert with the University when the actual expenses associated with the project are needed.

Deadline for the Student referendum
The deadline to launch a Student Referendum against this Decision is 13 October 2022.