Qualitative analyses of interview data

Lecturer: Jolanta Drzewiecka.

Week 1 (16 - 20 August 2021).

Qualitative analyses of interview data

This workshop focuses on main types of analyses of qualitative interview data from in-depth interviews, including grounded theory, content analysis, thematic analysis, narrative analysis, discourse critical analysis, and affective-discursive analysis.  We will differentiate these analyses in terms of the philosophical world views that inform them (e.g., social constructivist, realist, postmodernist, materialist) and discuss their appropriateness for different types of theoretical frameworks and research questions. We will also address suitability and limits of interview data as well as issues of validity and reliability.

The main part of the workshop will focus on:

  1. practical steps for processing the data, iteration and progression
  2. developing depth of interpretation to build insight and aggregating findings
  3. connecting interpretation to theoretical concepts and questions to provide insight and advance theory
  4. presenting findings in a persuasive manner

We will discuss structured approaches that use discourse strategies or coding schemes developed from theory or previous studies, inductive approaches that derive coding from the data, as well as deconstructive approaches that focus on unmasking underlying ideologies and power operations. The participants will read examples of different analyses, do exercises on various data sets, and work with their own data. They will receive individual feedback from other participants and the professor.

The workshop will focus on conceptual understanding of practical steps and decisions that have to be made at various junctures in the processing of qualitative data, whether aided by software or not. Most of the covered material will also be applicable to analyses of other texts such as media or policy texts. 


Below you find an ‘initial’ reading list. Further texts will be sent to the participants before the workshop.

Denzin, N. (1994). The art and politics of interpretation. In Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research, 500-515. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Edwards, R. & Holland, J (2020). Reviewing challenges and the future for qualitative interviewing. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 23, 581-592.

Hughes, J., Hughes, K. Sykes, G. Wright, K. (2020). Beyond performative talk: critical observations on the radical critique of reading interview data. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 23, 547-563.

Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of Qualitative Research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. London: Sage.