Internationalization strategy and goals: Plan 2021-2024

Internationalization strategy and goals: Plan 2021-2024

The large number of international students, researchers and academic staff members, the strong network of relations with all other Swiss universities and with many foreign universities allowing institutional relations and scientific collaborations, the offer of study programmes jointly organized with selected partner universities, and the wide range of courses offered in English, are proofs of the value USI places on "internationalization".

The 2021-2024 strategic plan, presented here, was adopted by the Management Commitee and the International Relations Commission in March 2021.

On the assumptions that the valuable initiatives carried out to date should be maintained and an approach of openness to new ideas will be adopted, three main objectives have been identified.

In particular, we aspire to:

  1. Strengthen USI's international position and visibility and place it in the appropriate university network(s);
  2. Increase the presence of foreign students with particular attention to the diversification of the countries of origin;
  3. Raise awareness about the importance of an international dimension among USI's community.

The International Relations and Study Abroad Service is the operational contact for the implementation of the plan. The plan is available here.