5 reasons to board one of USI’s mobility programmes

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) firmly believes in student mobility programmes and promotes cooperation with other universities in the field of student exchange. Full-time students have good chances of including a period of study abroad in their educational programme either as part of their undergraduate and/or of their graduate studies.
Here we present 5 reasons to board one of the mobility programmes managed by the International Relations and Study abroad Service.


You will enrich your CV with international exposure

Employers are increasingly looking for foreign language skills and familiarity with different cultures. Studying abroad will put you ahead of the competition with assets highly valued by organizations worldwide. Gaining wider experience from taking on different responsibilities or developing new skills opens the door to more work opportunities when you return. Employers will be impressed by the fact that you have decided to move outside your comfort zone!

Alessandro, exchange at CBS
“I recommend the exchange to all the students that would like to broaden their horizons with an international academic experience.”

Daliasny, exchange at TUM
“The international community is huge and you get to know so many people from all over the world, with different cultures and different traditions.”

Alina, exchange at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon
“I am sure this will also be helpful in the future for my professional career since companies are more and more looking for international experience.”

You will experience a different academic environment

Different countries inevitably have different ways of doing things, so experiencing the educational offer in a new and unknown context will help you expand your academic horizons further and develop your ability to adapt to different educational environments. Written exams versus oral exams, individual study versus group study, papers versus oral presentations. Whatever teaching or studying method you will encounter will enrich you with new capabilities and the ability to adapt. 

Ginevra, mobilità alla ETSAM – Università Politecnica di Madrid
“Consiglio vivamente questa esperienza perché permette di vedere un nuovo metodo di insegnamento e inoltre di conoscere nuove persone e nuovi modi di lavorare.”

Martina, exchange at KTH
“I experienced a different way of teaching and learning, met some inspiring professors and professionals in our field and I am very grateful for it.”


You will improve your intercultural skills and experience other ways of living

Immersing yourself in a new culture and way of life will allow you to adapt to new situations with pace and make you mentally stronger and wiser. Overcoming the challenges of living and working abroad will not always be easy (such as dealing with bureaucracy, accepting different practices, and living away from your family and friends) but will increase your resourcefulness and resilience.

Camilla, Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona
“Consiglierei questa esperienza perché penso sia importante fare esperienze all’estero per imparare lingue, culture diverse e differenti modi di vedere, studiare e lavorare.”

Lorenzo, TU Delft
“La possibilità di comprendere situazioni e realtà differenti in un tale crocevia di culture è stata per me di una ricchezza sconfinata.” 

Chiara, NTU Singapore
“La consiglierei assolutamente per mille ragioni tra cui l’apertura mentale che può dare la possibilità di affacciarsi a tante culture diverse, vedere come vivono, studiano e imparano dall’altra parte del mondo.” 

Chiara, Hanken School of Economics
“Un’esperienza del genere la consiglio a chiunque voglia uscire dalla propria zona di comfort e mettersi alla prova, per diventare più indipendenti, studiare e vivere in un paese in cui non si parla la propria lingua madre, mettendovi a confronto con tante persone e situazioni che non avevate mai affrontato prima.” 

You will meet new people and forge new friendships
Going abroad gives you the chance to make friends with people you might never have met otherwise. Some of these will remain friends forever, others maybe not, but you will always be united by this unique experience of studying abroad.



Laura, ETH Zurich
“Vi è anche un confronto con altri studenti provenienti da altri Paesi e anche questo aumenta la crescita personale, creando magari anche delle nuove amicizie.” 

Andrea, CBS Copenhagen
“I had an amazing experience in Denmark. I met people from all around the world that are now some of my best friends.” 

You will establish long-life networks

Studying in an international environment brings you in contact with people from all over the world, which may help you throughout life and in your future career.

Gastone, Hanken School of Economics Helsinki
“Durante il semestre ho anche preso parte come uno dei 2'500 volontari allo SLUSH, un evento straordinario che mette a contatto investitori e ragazzi che vogliono aprire un’attività da tutto il mondo. Come volontario hai l’opportunità di partecipare all’evento, ricco di conferenze e meeting con persone che stanno plasmando le tecnologie e le sfide del futuro, molti dei quali noti personaggi di grandi aziende di oggi.”