Visiting Alumni: Valeria Croce, Manager International Relations and Insights, Eurail BV

Servizio alumni

Data: 18 Dicembre 2019

L'USI Career & Alumni Service è lieto di segnalarvi la testimonianza in classe, all'interno del corso di Tourism Career Lab:


della laureata USI, Master in International Tourism (2005) Valeria Croce, Manager International Relations and Insights, Eurail BV, Bruxelles (Belgio).

18 dicembre 2019 dalle 13.30 alle 17.15

Aula A-34, Palazzo rosso


Introduce: Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni


Al corso sarà presente Valeria Croce, USI Alumna (MT 2005), Manager International Relations and Insights, Eurail BV, Bruxelles (Belgio), la quale condividerà con gli studenti del Master in International Tourism la sua esperienza professionale.


Tourism Career Lab: Goal of this lab is to help current learners to figure out possible careers in Tourism, to meet professionals with a similar academic background, to promote knowledge sharing and opportunities for further collaborations with the industry and related institutional players.
During the course, students will also prepare and improve their CVs. They will also explore in detail open positions in specific job markets, so to be better prepared to apply for them.