National MD-PhD Program

Servizio ricerca e trasferimento del sapere

Submission deadline: 15 Dicembre 2023

Submission deadline: 15 December, 2023

The SAMS and the Swiss National Science Foundation, with the support of private foundations and in collaboration with the Swiss School of Public Health, award each year a limited number of competitive individual MD-PhD grants enabling young physicians to complete a doctoral research training in natural sciences, public health sciences, clinical research or biomedical ethics at a Swiss university.

The aim of the program is to equip medical doctors interested in research with the skills necessary for a career as clinician and scientist.


Applicants must have successfully completed their studies in human, veterinary or dental medicine and be admitted as doctoral students in the local MD-PhD program of a Swiss university by the time of the scholarship start. They must have been residents of Switzerland for at least 2 years by the submission deadline. 

Funding and duration

MD-PhD scholarships are awarded for a minimum of two to a maximum of three years, within a time window of four years starting from the date of matriculation as MD-PhD or PhD student. 

The scholarship is awarded ad-personam and covers the gross salary of the grantee as well as the social security contributions to be paid by the employer. Grantees must be employed by their university during the support period and the scholarship must be administered by the grant administration office of their university. The annual gross salary of the grantee is calculated on the basis of the SNSF highest salary scale for doctoral students increased by ten percent. The employer’s social security contributions are added according to the local flat rates defined by the SNSF. 

Please, for more information visit the official website or contact Anna Lazzarinetti.