Specialisation in Theory and Algorithms

Algorithms are at the core of every computing system. For that reason, the theory of computation and algorithms are fundamental to the training of computer engineers and scientists. A computer specialist strong in theory can tackle important problems in virtually any field of the computer industry. The performance of any software system depends on the efficiency of its algorithms and data structures. Think computational problems that arise in a bank, in an airline, in microelectronics, in telecommunications, in biology. There are complex algorithms hiding behind any software tool that can successfully address such problems.

Students graduating with a Master of Science in Informatics with strong training in Theory and Algorithms will be able to evaluate and solve complex problems not only in the field of their own expertise but also in interdisciplinary areas. Students develop strong analytical skills and foundational knowledge in computer science that can help them excel in any industrial or academic career setting in Informatics. Computer scientists with strong theoretical background are extremely flexible and thus in demand in nowadays high-tech ICT industry.

Across the two years students must acquire:

  • 30 ECTS out of 36 ECTS of core courses
  • 18 ECTS of “Theory and Algorithms” tagged courses and write their thesis in the same area

6 ECTS can be acquired from non-INF Master programmes at USI.

Course ECTS Sem
Computer Aided Verification 6 Autumn
Numerical Algorithms 6 Autumn
Geometric Algorithms 6 Spring
Information & Physics 3 Spring
Quantum Computing 6 Spring

Bachelor Info Day, get to know USI in half a day

Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Theology of Lugano

Workshop: Philosophy of Spontaneous Collapse

Faculty of Theology of Lugano