1. How many places are available?
    Up to 60 places are available for each intake. 
  2. Can I access with any bachelor's degree?
    No, only specific academic backgrounds are accepted (Economics, Communication Sciences or other relevant disciplines, e.g., political sciences and law). Students must obtain the undergraduate degree before 31 December 2022.
    Details for students with a Bachelor's degree granted by an Italian university are available at: https://www.unicatt.it/corsi/cdl-European%20studies%20in%20investor%20relation%20and%20financial%20communication_2022.pdf (Procedure di ammissione corso di laurea magistrale pag. 2)
  3. Which degrees are automatically eligible?
    • ​​Bachelor's Degree in Communication or Bachelor's Degree in Economics granted at Università della Svizzera italiana
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Economia dei mercati e degli intermediari finanziari, Scienze linguistiche e Scienze linguistiche per le relazioni internazionali granted at Università Cattolica dal Sacro Cuore, with a minimum weighted average of 23/30 and at least 110 ECTS.
  4. Are there languages requirements?
    Yes, students must prove their English and Italian level through a certification. Exemptions can be made under certain conditions.
  5. Technical questions on admission procedure:
  6. When can I apply?
  7. Are there lodgings available?
  8. How do I get help for the internship?
  9. Where can I find the study plan?

Business Ideas 2024

Academy of Architecture, Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Theology of Lugano