2nd Venice International Workshop on Analytic Philosophy


Master in Philosophy

22 July 2019

A workshop on Analytic Philosophy at the University of Venice.

July 15-16 2019



This two-day event has been a perfect occasion to explore the many facets and problems of contemporary analytic philosophy with some of its leading figures.

The poster of the event is attached to this webpage.

The full programme is available by clickling on the quicklink at the bottom of this page.


Speakers: Clotilde Calabi (University of Milan), Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva), Elena Castellani (University of Florence), Damiano Costa (USI), Giovanni Merlo (University of Stirling), Kevin Mulligan (USI & University of Geneva), Federico Perelda (University of Padua), Marco Santambrogio (University of Parma), Waldomiro J. Silva-Filho (Federal University of Bahia), Giuseppe Spolaore (University of Padua), Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milan), Alessandro Zucchi (University of Milan).

Organisers: Emiliano Boccardi (Federal University of Bahia) Alessandro Cecconi (USI)


The workshop has been organized in collaboration with:

The Institute of Philosophical Studies, Lugano;

The Federal University of Bahia;

Zero – the philosophy lab at Venice;

Ca’ Foscari University.
