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  • Job opportunities at USI

    Open calls and other job opportunities are advertised on the dedicated web page.


    Go to job opportunities



  • Research and development

    For collaborations with USI in the fields of research and development, innovation and technology transfer - for example, by entrusting a research, study or applied project to the University or by proposing a research collaboration a joint project - can rely on the expertise of USI Transfer, USI's strategic unit dedicated to innovation and relations with companies and businesses.


    Go to USI Transfer




  • Offering internship / job to graduates or students

    Businesses, institutions and other employers wishing to advertise a job or work placement to graduates or students of the USI should complete the work placement/job offer form, available from the Career Service.

  • Entrepreneurial ideas

    Anyone requesting support for an innovative entrepreneurial idea can contact the USI Startup Centre. CP Start-up helps graduates and undergraduates, from USI or other higher education institutions in Switzerland and abroad, to turn an idea or a project into an entrepreneurial initiative.


    Go to USI Startup Centre



  • Joint events

    Anyone wishing to propose a joint event to the USI is requested, as a general rule, to identify an academic contact point (professor or institute) within the University who is willing to cooperate.

    It is possible to approach a professor or institute directly, or contact the Institutional Communication Service, which will assist in identifying the most appropriate potential contact point.



  • Promotions

    Swiss businesses and institutions interested in offering commercial promotions to USI students and staff can communicate their offer by e-mail to [email protected].

    The USI reserves the right not to publish offers it regards as unsuitable.