Tap water is good!
Institutional Communication Service
22 March 2017
The City of Lugano, AIL SA, the sustainability incubator SINC (Università della Svizzera italiana), the Department of public health of the Canton Ticino (DSS), and the Ticino Association of Fountain attendants (Associazione fontanieri ticinesi, AFT) started a campaign on the benefits of tap water on March 13th.
On the occasion of the World Water Day, on March 22, a public event was ogranised on the Piazza Riforma in Lugano. Free glasses of tap water were handed out to by-passers, and those who wanted to bring some home could buy a Tap it up water bottle, which was promoted by the USI sustainability incubator SINC. The World Water Day event in Lugano represented also a great opportunity to discover and meet the fascinating world of fountain and aqueduct attendants.
The event was part of a campaign for a greener Lugano ("Lugano al verde", literally "Lugano goes green").