Piero Martinoli appointed honorary member of the Swiss Physical Society

From left Giovanni Dietler (EPFL), Piero Martinoli and Minh Quang Tran (EPFL and President of the Swiss Physical Society). © Ti-Press / Gabriele Putzu
From left Giovanni Dietler (EPFL), Piero Martinoli and Minh Quang Tran (EPFL and President of the Swiss Physical Society). © Ti-Press / Gabriele Putzu

Institutional Communication Service

23 August 2016

During the annual Fall meeting of the Swiss Physical Society (www.sps.ch), held this year on Lugano Campus, Professor Piero Martinoli, President of the Università della Svizzera italiana has been appointed Honorary Member of the SPS “for his contribution to the physics and structure of matter, especially for the fundamental studies of two-dimensional superconductors, and for his constant commitment to higher education and Swiss research”.

Piero Martinoli greeted all participants at the Convention by recalling his speech suring the SPS meeting held on October 20th, 1973 in Trevano, during which he presented his scientific article published as post-doc at ETH Zurich.

