Competitive Foundations
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Details Research areas/ fields Project grants
It promotes Alzheimer research on a social and individual level. Epidemiology, economy, Health, ethics, law, communication The AXA Fellowship is a funding scheme aimed at supporting young promising researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society.
Health, Environment, New Technologies, Socio-Economics Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Project grants
Grand Challenges which foster innovation to solve key health and development problems. Health and development Project grants
Gebert Rüf Stiftung promotes innovation for the benefit of Switzerland’s economy and society. Innovation, market-oriented Fellowships abroad
Scholarships for further education abroad. Architecture, design, arts
Project grants
Financial grants for creative projects. Architecture, design, arts Metis Fondazione Sergio Mantegazza
Project grants
Its aim to support purposes of public utility mainly in Ticino. Culture field, medical research -
Details Research areas/ Fields Project grants
It promotes Alzheimer research on a social and individual level. Epidemiology, Economy, Health, Ethics, Law, Communication Chair
Its aim to create a dedicated full-time senior academic position in an institution. Health, Environment, New Technologies, Socio-Economics Fellowships
The aim is to support young promising researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society. Health, Environment, New Technologies, Socio-Economics Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Project grants
Grand Challenges which foster innovation to solve key health and development problems. Health and development
Fellowships fund long and short research exchanges between laboratories in eligible countries. Life science Young investigator
Networking & Support Programme. Life science Fondation Coromandel Project grants
It supports needs of natural and legal nonprofit actions persons active in the field of medical, paramedical or art care. Medical and paramedic research Fondazione Pierre Mercier pour la science
Project grants
It supports original scientific projects, mainly in fundamental, applied or clinical research in the biomedical field. Biomedicine Project grants
It funds reseasrch projects for the treatment of malignant forms of cancer. Onchology Fondazione Svizzera di Cardiologia
Research grants
The foundation supports research for sperimental and clinical projects. Biomedicine, Cardiology Fondazione svizzera per la ricerca sulle malattie muscolari
Project grants
It supports basic, translational and clinical biomedical research related to muscle and neuromuscular diseases in Swiss Institutions, including projects aiming at improving diagnosis of these diseases. Biomedicine Fondation pour la recherce Nuovo-Soldati
Grants to support young medical researchers with a project focused on the cancer cell. Onchology Fellowships
It supports awards and special projects consistent with IBSA mission. Dermatology, Endocrinology, Fertility, Orthopaedics-Rheumatology and Pain Medicine Käthe Zingg-Schwichtenberg Fund
Project grants
It allows grantees to explore innovative research ideas, to realize a small, independent pilot project and/or to prepare their own project proposal to be submitted to a larger funding agency. Biomedical ethics Project grants
It funds research projects in clinical, psychosocial and epidemiological research linked with Cancer. Medicine, Cancer Metis Fondazione Sergio Mantegazza
Project grants
It aims at supporting purposes of public utility mainly in Ticino. Culture field, Medical research Project grants
It funds research projects conducted at Swiss universities. Medicine, biology, biochemistry Fellowships abroad
It funds research fellowships abroad for postdocs. Medicine, biology, biochemistry Swiss Accademies af Arts and Sciences
Project grants
Its aim is to encourage reflection on challenging issues in medicine and help shape developments. Clinical research, Biomedical ethics, Neurosciences, Health services research, Medical imaging Project grants
The foundation aim is to support Swiss research in the field of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer research Project grants
It funds research in the reare desease area. Rare desease Project grants
It supports researchers to develop and test innovative ways of making health research open, accessible and reusable. Innovative approaches to health research -
Details Research area/ Fields Project grants
It promotes Alzheimer research on a social and individual level. Epidemiology, economy, Health, ethics, law, communication Chair
It aims at creating a dedicated full-time senior academic position in an institution. Health, Environment, New Tech, Socio-Economics Fellowships
The AXA Fellowship is a funding scheme aiming at supporting young promising researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society. Health, Environment, New Tech, Socio-Economics Bill & Melinda Gates Foudation
Project grants
Grand Challenges which foster innovation to solve key health and development problems. Health and development Project grants
The goal is to encourage the dialogue between science & technology, and humanities & social sciences.
Science-Technology and humanities Project grants
Facebook invites academics to propose research in specific areas that align with the mission of building community and bringing the world closer together. Depends on the Call Project grants
It promotes innovation for the benefit of Switzerland’s economy and society. Innovation, market-oriented Project grants/ Scholarships
Funding Programme Democracy Humanities and Social Science Project grants
The foundationn's purpose is to promote information and communications technology (ICT) for the well-being and benefit of Switzerland as an intellectual and industrial centre. ICT Project grants
The foundation's purpose is to promote health care through grants to medical centres, hospitals, and other institutions within the health care system. Health care Project grants
Initiate, coordinate and evaluate measures to promote health and prevent disease. Health Project grants
This funding supports researchers to develop and test innovative ways of making health research open, accessible and reusable. Innovative approaches to health research -
Details Research area/ Fields Project grants
It promotes Alzheimer research on a social and individual level. Epidemiology, economy, Health, ethics, law, communication Chair
It aims at creating a dedicated full-time senior academic position in an institution. Health, Environment, New Tech, Socio-Economics Fellowships
The AXA Fellowship is a funding scheme aiming at supporting young promising researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society. Health, Environment, New Tech, Socio-Economics Bill & Melinda Gates Foudation
Project grants
Grand Challenges which foster innovation to solve key health and development problems. Health and development Project grants
Facebook invites academics to propose research in specific areas that align with the mission of building community and bringing the world closer together. Depends on the Call Project grants
It promotes innovation for the benefit of Switzerland’s economy and society. Innovation, market-oriented Project grants
This funding supports researchers to develop and test innovative ways of making health research open, accessible and reusable. Innovative approaches to health research -
Details Research areas/ Fields Project grants
It promotes Alzheimer research on a social and individual level. Epidemiology, Economy, Health, Ethics, Law, Communication Chair
It aims at creating a dedicated full-time senior academic position in an institution. Health, Environment, New Tech, Socio-Economics Fellowships
The AXA Fellowship is a funding scheme aiming at supporting young promising researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society. Health, Environment, New Tech, Socio-Economics Bill & Melinda Gates Foudation
Project grants
Grand Challenges which foster innovation to solve key health and development problems. Health and development Project grants
The goal is to encourage the dialogue between science & technology, and humanities & social sciences. Science-Technology and humanities Project grants
Facebook invites academics to propose research in specific areas that align with the mission of building community and bringing the world closer together. Depends on the Call Project grants
It promotes innovation for the benefit of Switzerland’s economy and society. Innovation, market-oriented Project grants
The foundation purpose is to promote information and communications technology (ICT) for the well-being and benefit of Switzerland as an intellectual and industrial centre. ICT Project grants
The program is intended to support high-risk theoretical mathematics, physics and computer science projects of exceptional promise and scientific importance on a case-by-case basis. Computer science