Summer Schools and Winter Schools
On this page, you can find the offer for Summer and Winter Schools organized by (but not exclusively) USI.
PyTamaro Summer Academy
22 - 26 July 2024
Programming: Deep like Math, Creative like Art – the five-day Summer Academy brings together high-school teachers and students to learn programming by decomposing graphics and recomposing them as programs, and to experience the sound theoretical foundations of programming combined with the unbounded creativity and playfulness of computer graphics.
Registration and additional information on the official web site:
28th Summer School in Social Science Methods
8-23 August 2024
The Summer School in Social Science Methods has been conceived for those who feel the need to refresh, deepen and widen their methodological knowledge and skills, whatever their professional situation: student, researcher or practitioner. This year, once again, we are looking forward to welcoming you for two weeks of learning in August at the beautiful campus of Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano! You can join one of our four preliminary workshops and one or two of the 21 one-week intensive, immersive courses on qualitative, quantitative and hybrid methods in social sciences or cross-methods courses.
In addition to the rich academic programme, the School also offers a vibrant social programme to help participants connect with each other and experience the best of Lugano. This includes a welcome coffee talk, Summer School Dinner, excursions to local attractions and opportunities to socialise with fellow students and faculty. The social programme is designed to foster a sense of community and make the Summer School experience even more rewarding.
For more information and to register visit
Doctoral School ‘Socio-Cultural Approaches in Business Studies: Theoretical Foundations and Theory-Building’
Sept-Oct 2024
This innovative Doctoral School equips you with the theoretical foundation and practical skills to make significant contributions to your field.
The Doctoral School offers a set of foundational courses, each focusing on one key theoretical approach, providing in-depth knowledge of the approach. These courses will be based on readings featuring the approach's key founding texts and influential domain-specific texts that show how a specific theoretical approach has been applied and used in marketing and organisation studies. In addition, a one-week immersive workshop organised within the Summer School of Social Sciences Methods will provide practical teaching on how to improve the theoretical contribution in PhD and early career scholars' papers.
In September 2024, the first course on Interpretivism and Sensmaking will be offered – registrations are now open!
For more information and to register visit
SIESTA 2024 - 4th International Software Engineering Summer School
4-6 September 2024
The Software Institute and the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro - Dipartimento di Informatica are organizing SIESTA 2024, the fourth International Software Engineering Summer School, which will take place in Bari, Italy, on September 4-6, 2024.
The goal of SIESTA is to bring together academic and industrial researchers along with Ph.D. students to give participants an opportunity to get first-hand knowledge about recent research trends in Software Engineering. At SIESTA tutorials by leading researchers, student talks, and amazing social events come together to offer our participants the best possible experience.
For more information and to register visit:
XXX International Design Seminar Monte Carasso
8-21 July 2023, Monte Carasso
Arch. Giacomo Guidotti.
Production Design on stage
10-15 July 2023, Academy of Architecture, USI Mendrisio Campus
Teacher: Boris Hars-Tschachotin
Transversal Territory
10-16 July 2023, Academy of Architecture, USI Mendrisio Campus
Teacher: Antoine de Perrot
Workshop in collaboration with the City of Mendrisio
WISH Workshop on International Social Housing
10-24 July 2023, Bukhara - Uzbekistan
25 July-25 August 2023, Academy of Architecture, USI Mendrisio Campus
Prof. Martino Pedrozzi
BRR Berlin, Reuse, Restoration 1
2 – 15 July 2023, Berlin
Prof. Christoph Frank, Prof. Carla Mazzarelli
Summer School hosted by the Academy (no ECTS)
18-25 July 2023, Academy of Architecture, USI Mendrisio Campus
Porto Academy Visiting USI-ARC Mendrisio
Summer University 2023 on Effective High-Performance Computing and Data Analytics
23-28 July 2023
This summer school will focus on the effective exploitation of state-of-the-art hybrid High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems with a special focus on Data Analytics. The content of the course is tailored for intermediate graduate students (3rd year Bachelor's students, Master’s students, and Ph.D students) interested in both learning parallel programming models, and having hands-on experience using HPC systems. Starting from an introductory explanation of the available systems at CSCS, the course will progress to more applied topics such as parallel programming on accelerators, code optimization, scientific libraries, and deep learning software frameworks.
Additional information on the official website.
"Finance and product markets: Theory, evidence, and measurements"
24-28 luglio 2023
Course director Prof. Gordon Phillips, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth and Prof. Laurent Frésard, SFI @ USI
27th Summer School in Social Science Methods
10-25 August 2023
The Summer School in Social Science Methods has been conceived for those who feel the need to refresh, deepen and widen their methodological knowledge and skills, whatever their professional situation: student, researcher or practitioner.
Additional information:
PyTamaro Summer Academy
14-18 August 2023
The Summer Academy is a five-day event that brings teachers and students together to learn about programming by breaking down graphics and reassembling them as programmes. This creative and profound activity combines the solid theoretical foundations of programming with computer graphics' limitless creativity and playfulness. For more information, check out the official event website.
PyTamaro Summer Academy
14 -18 August 2023
Programming: Deep like Math, Creative like Art – the five-day Summer Academy brings together high-school teachers and students to learn programming by decomposing graphics and recomposing them as programs, and to experience the sound theoretical foundations of programming combined with the unbounded creativity and playfulness of computer graphics.
Additional information on the official website.
SSPH+ Lugano Summer School in Public Health Policy, Economics and Management
21-26 August 2023
The 32nd SSPH+ Lugano Summer School in Public Health Policy, Economics and Management will be held from 21 to 26 August 2023. Enrolment is now open. The programme is aimed at professionals and managers working in health administration, hospitals and other services, policy-makers and students in the health field from all over the world.
Read more about the programme:
4a AIPI Summer School "Poesia contemporanea e società civile"
5-7 September 2023
La quarta edizione dell’AIPI Summer School rifletterà sul rapporto tra il testo poetico contemporaneo e le relazioni associative, economiche, culturali e sociali intercorrenti nelle società complesse tra i cittadini, lo Stato e le istituzioni. Al centro dell’indagine, condotta con i metodi della critica tematica e con particolare attenzione al rapporto tra testi e contesto politico, si intende porre la relazione tra parola poetica e individuo, filtrata dalla lente della responsabilità civile. Tale relazione, di cui si osserverà l’evoluzione dagli anni Ottanta a oggi, rappresenta un tema cardine del Novecento poetico, discusso in diverse sedi, ma mai affrontato in maniera sistematica e organica.
Location: Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
Language: Italian
Additional information and registration:
SIESTA 2023 – 3rd International Software Engineering Summer School
11-13 September 2023
The goal of SIESTA is to bring together academic and industrial researchers along with Ph.D. students to give participants an opportunity to get first-hand knowledge about recent research trends in Software Engineering.
Additional information on the official website.
Summer School: A map through the land of dragons. Syntax, Truth, and Paradox
17-21 giugno 2024
Volker Halbach (Oxford) and Lorenzo Rossi (Torino) will provide an introduction to the theory of semantic paradoxes and discuss their proposed solutions, analyses, and their philosophical relevance. The liar and related paradoxes do not only affect the notion of truth, but others that are central to philosophy such as necessity, apriority, and future truth. We will study the properties of such sentences as The underlined sentence on this page is not true in a precise formal setting. Participants are not expected to be familiar with techniques such as arithmetization and diagonalization. By bypassing the unnecessary mathematical tools by using an axiomatic syntax theory, we will still provide a formally precise account and proceed swiftly to the philosophical core of the discussions around the paradoxes. In particular, we will discuss the effect of paradoxes on the expressive power of truth, necessity, and related notions, as well as their impact on the foundations of semantics. We will also cover a wide variety of paradoxes such as the Visser-Yablo, the Knower, McGee's, and the No Future paradox. We will critically discuss a gamut of conceptions of paradoxicality, applying them to the study of the various kinds of paradoxes we have introduced, and we will investigate their connection with some of the main formal theories of truth.
Location: Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
Language of instruction: English
Additional information:
Location: Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
1st International EUGAIN Summer Training School (EUGAIN-STS 2022)
The EUGAIN Training Schools provide early career researchers (PhDs and postdocs) with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of gender balance in informatics from both research and professional fields. The interaction between the participants (both professors, professionals/practitioners, researchers, and students) will promote the generation of new ideas and their confrontation with the experiences acquired in their fields.
The EUGAIN-STS 2022 will focus on how to conduct research studies. Participants will acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to design gender and gender-sensitive studies in Informatics. They are expected to work on the design of a user study in their research area that accounts for gender issues and to exchange and share ideas in groups.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
The Metaphysics of Relations in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
In this summer school, we tackle a challenging topic: how ancient and medieval philosophers conceived of the metaphysics of relations. Our main aims are to map out the differences between ourselves and ancient thinkers over the ontology of the truth-makers of relational statements, and to consider whether one should accept the standard view, according to which medieval thinkers before the fourteenth century almost invariably considered relations to be so-called ‘monadic’ properties and to be real.
Deadline for registration: 15 December 2021
Location: Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
Truthmaker Semantics
The summer school will provide the students with an overview of truthmaker semantics with special attention to some particular application. It will begin with a comparison of three forms of truth-conditional semantics: possible worlds semantics, situation semantics and truthmaker semantics. It will then lay down the basic framework of the truthmaking approach. Here, the notions of a state space, of conjunctive and disjunctive part and of exact, inexact and loose verification will be introduced. The remainder of the course will be devoted to applications of the framework to such topis as counterfactuals, deontic logic and scalar implicature.
Location: Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
GRAPES doctoral school
The innovative training network (ITN) on "learninG, pRocessing, And oPtimising shapES" (GRAPES), funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, with 17 partners from all over Europe, will come to Lugano for its second doctoral school, hosted by the Faculty of Informatics and organized by Prof. Hormann. From June 13 to June 17, young researchers as well as renowned keynote speakers from all over the world will come to USI's Campus Est to participate in the second GRAPES doctoral school.
The thematic focus of the event is on Computer-Aided Design in its broadest sense, covering the historical development of the field, latest research results, applications, and the relevance for industry.
Additional information:
Plan ₿ Summer School, Franklin University Switzerland
Lugano's Plan ₿, an initiative of the City of Lugano, promotes knowledge and awareness of the world of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain. A summer training programme from 3 July to 16. The Plan ₿ Summer School will allow participants to work closely with global industry experts and leaders for two weeks, following theoretical and contextual aspects of the blockchain world, case studies, and critically participating in debates about the industry. Thanks to coaches and experts in the field, participants will also tackle the development of local and international blockchain case studies practically, building prototype projects on blockchain during the summer school. This theoretical and practical approach will enable participants to understand how blockchain works and the opportunities, implications, and aspects to consider for implementing this technology in different areas, both business and institutional.
Additional information and registration:
SSPH+ Summer School
The SSPH+ LSS places health, disease, and health systems thinking under one common framework of coherent concepts and practical implications. The focus on public health policy, economics and management combined with the diversity of students and facilitators has provided for a rich learning environment for over 2 decades so far. The insights gained and networks created serve as an opportunity to reduce and prevent the gap between public health theory and practice.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
Summer University 2022 on Effective High-Performance Computing and Data Analytics
This summer school will focus on the effective exploitation of state-of-the-art hybrid High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems with a special focus on Data Analytics. The content of the course is tailored for intermediate graduate students (3rd year Bachelor's students, Master’s students, and Ph.D students) interested in both learning parallel programming models, and having hands-on experience using HPC systems. Starting from an introductory explanation of the available systems at CSCS, the course will progress to more applied topics such as parallel programming on accelerators, code optimization, scientific libraries, and deep learning software frameworks.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information:
USI-UNIPV Winter Doctoral school on "Contemporary methods in spatial statistics in R with applications to life and social sciences”.
Location: mix online and in presence participation at Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano (13-14-15 December) and University of Pavia, Pavia.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and (free but compulsory) registration:
RRR Roma, Riuso e Restauro, "La Sapienza" University, Rome
In few cities the historical sedimentation in the urban fabric is so perceptible, indeed palpable, as in Rome. From the study of historical and contemporary examples of transformation, reuse and conservation of ancient and post-ancient buildings and structures, we intend to reflect on the dialectical relationship between reuse and restoration. A relationship that we aim to investigate in the perspective of the long historical duration and its "productivity" for the contemporary project. Through a series of inspections in the company of experts (from the history of architecture and architectural restoration), with whom some exemplary cases will be identified and studied (from reuse in medieval architecture, to the restoration of medieval and Renaissance architecture, to reuse for museum purposes up to the restoration of the modern), students, through the tools of archaeological-architectural observation, will be invited to reflect on the relationship between the pre-existing building and the subsequent interventions, on the reuse strategies identifiable in a specific building, on historical stratifications, on the conservation of the materiality of the work, on the issues concerning the seismic improvement and the containment of energy consumption.
More information:
Artificial intelligence methods applied to intravital imaging analysis
This program will cover theoretical and practical aspects regarding the application of new A.I.-based methods for the analysis of migration and interaction of immune cells captured by 4D intravital imaging data. Basic knowledge in imaging is recommended. The summer school is open to PhD students.
Language of instruction: English
Effective High-Performance Computing & Data Analytics with GPUs, USI
This summer school will focus on the effective exploitation of state-of-the-art hybrid High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems with a special focus on Data Analytics. The content of the course is tailored for intermediate graduate students (3rd year Bachelor's students, Master’s students, Ph.D students, and early-stage Postdocs) interested in both learning parallel programming models, and having hands-on experience using HPC systems. Starting from an introductory explanation of the available systems at CSCS, the course will progress to more applied topics such as parallel programming on accelerators, code optimization, scientific libraries, and deep learning software frameworks.
Language of instruction: English
IMAGINE: ICTs to promote sustainable heritage tourism, Indonesia
The USI UNESCO Chair Summer School in Indonesia will discover tangible Indonesian UNESCO World Heritage Sites and intangible Cultural Heritage in five cities (Jakarta, Cirebon, Pekalongan, Solo, and Yogyakarta). A special focus will be placed on the issue of how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be applied to enhance the preservation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Indonesia and strengthen sustainable tourism, as well as connect locals and visitors.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
Middle East Mediterranean Summer Summit (MEM), Lugano
The Middle East Mediterranean region, a geopolitical space deeply affected by disorder and convulsions both on land and sea, has undergone profound and rapid changes over the past few years. From upheavals of this magnitude, a new world order has emerged for the twenty-first century. From East to West, North to South of the extended Middle East Mediterranean region – from Iran to Morocco and from Syria to the Sudan – several elements of young civil societies are working together across the political spectrum, weaving the threads of dialogue, civic liberties, and sustainable development. Such initiatives are not necessarily in the media spotlight, but together make up a major network from which tomorrow’s social fabric will emerge. It is a phenomenon that Europe must welcome and encourage if only to ensure its own security in an area of shared prosperity with its southern neighbours. It is precisely with this in mind that the programme of this Summit was conceived.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
Perspectives on Digital Fashion Communication of «Made In»: Cases from Italy, France, Spain and Switzerland.
The Summer School will investigate the contribution and dynamics of digital communication in the constitution of the national image, with specific reference to the creative fashion industry and the qualification of sustainable “Made in” in this sector. In fact, if the Internet is an icon and an outcome of globalization, which crosses national borders without any problem, it is precisely in online communication that the concept of “Made in”, its meaning and its values – as well as the attention paid by the sector to sustainability – are discussed and negotiated today.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
Digitise, Optimise, Visualise, Lugano
The USI DOV School will introduce you in a self-contained way to optimisation, data science and machine learning, while covering cutting-edge applications to economics and finance. You will learn the relevant mathematical foundations and how to formulate, visualise and solve problems. You will also understand how to access data and optimisation libraries, in order to solve a given problem with the appropriate methods. In 4 weeks we will guide you from zero to cutting-edge applications and knowledge in optimisation, data science and machine learning, which will prove useful in your work as a student, researcher, or industry professional.
Language of instruction: English
Additional information and registration:
USI Blockchain Winter school on "Writing Smart Contracts". February 14 - 18, 2022
Location: Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano.
Language of instruction: English