"MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING?" - John Eccles Foundation Annual Symposium

Staff - Faculty of Biomedical Sciences

Date: 16 October 2021 / 09:00 - 13:30

Attendance at this event will be allowed only with COVID certificate (will be verified at the entrance of the centre).

"Noise" is the theme that will be addressed on 16 October in the Monte Verità Auditorium in Ascona from different perspectives, in keeping with the interdisciplinary tradition that characterises the annual symposia of the Sir John Eccles Foundation.

While the contribution of audiology and that of the philosophy of perception will invite us to look at the ability to discriminate between significant and non-significant sounds, on a "hearing as" that always lies between perceiving and thinking, the indispensable contribution of musicology will allow us to grasp the changing status of a noise/sound according to the context - the score, the soundtrack - in which it is intentionally or unintentionally inserted. Beyond its literal meaning, the concept of "noise" is also referred to areas that go beyond the perceptive one, such as, for example, that of big data, where it interferes as a disturbance, a factor of confusion that hinders access to meaningful information, or that of "rumours", which make it difficult to distinguish the false from the true. The conferences, which will be held in presence and streaming, open to the public, will be framed by a lecture-performance, which will propose "the point of view of a non-conforming subjectivity, between cyborg and human", mediated by an artistic language.


Please find attached the final detailed programme of the symposium, which will take place from 9 am to 1.30 pm.

The registration mandatory through email to [email protected]

More information can be found on the website Foundation website www.ecclesfoundation.org



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Academy of Architecture, Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Theology of Lugano