At USI, a 2022 in the name of sustainability


Institutional Communication Service

21 February 2022

A new series dedicated to sustainability kicks off. A theme that will be one of the threads of 2022 for USI. Each week we will uncover different aspects related to sustainable development with the help of USI experts. To open this series, a first contribution by Rector Boas Erez.

USI is aware of its responsibility towards today's society and in building tomorrow's society. For this reason, sustainability will be one of the central themes of its agenda and a common denominator that will unite its various disciplines towards a common goal. USI aims to become an example by meeting present challenges, anticipating those of the future, and developing the skills of tomorrow's decision-makers, its young students and researchers. 

Global sustainable development issues have gained political importance in a context marked by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, the thematisation of these issues in universities becomes essential. 

Increasingly marked sensitivity to sustainable development is emerging in the academic community of Southern Switzerland: on the one hand, it is striving for a better understanding of it through research and teaching, and on the other hand, it is working with concrete actions so as not to undermine the possibilities offered to future generations. There will even be a physical location that the University is designing where future students will receive an education and training to play their part in respecting the great balances of the natural environment and life. It will be called the "House of Sustainability" based in Airolo. However, since it will be the subject of a future feature on this series, I do not want to anticipate too much.

In this first contribution - continues Boas Erez - I would like instead to focus on an important event that will be held in our region: on 29 April 2022, the "Sustainable University Day" (SUD 2022) will be held in Ticino, addressed to all students, teachers, researchers and all those interested in sustainability issues. SUD 2022 is organised by the U Change programme of the Swiss Academies of Sciences. It will take place in Mendrisio, hosted by USI and SUPSI. At the event, all parties interested in sustainability will find the right platforms to share strategies, creative solutions and success stories at the Swiss level. The interactive and multi-faceted programme has been created in collaboration with partners from research and education, non-profit organisations and local associations. I believe this to be an important event because it highlights a crucial aspect: collaboration (between people, institutions, and disciplines) is essential for such a vast and complex topic. That is why there is a constant exchange between Swiss universities on sustainable development and education for sustainable development. 

We know that the journey is still long, but we are taking meaningful and concrete steps. Through the dissemination and sharing of these concepts, we are sure to contribute to a more ethical way of acting, marked by an ever-increasing responsibility towards our environment and the territory that hosts us.


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