The Call for Applications for USI Rector is open


Institutional Communication Service

20 June 2022

Università della Svizzera italiana is currently seeking high-level candidates for the position of Rector, with a (negotiable) starting date within Spring 2023. The selected candidate will be responsible for the institution's success in teaching at all levels, in research and for the USI mission in general, including its positive impact on the economy, culture and society of Ticino Canton.

The ideal candidate shall be high in professorial ranks. Furthermore, she/he must have obtained excellent results while participating to the management of at least one university entity, plus a proven capacity to constructively communicate with all the components of the institution and society in general. She/he shall be able to conceive and realise through consensus an ambitious and innovative vision for the future of USI, beyond the present mission, culture and strategy. She/he shall actively promote the image of USI and its international rank. The selection will also take into account the candidate’s knowledge of the culture, economy and historical and political traditions of Switzerland and in particular of the Ticino Canton.

She/he will be in charge of the management of all the components of the University and will report to the University Council. She/he will operate in coordination with the Academic Senate, collaborating with the Rectorate and the Deans of the Faculties. The duties and responsibilities of the Rector are defined by the USI Statute, art. 13.5: 


The full Call for Application is published at
Further information on the diffusion of the Call for Application is available in the attached .pdf.


