University Chaplaincy resumes its activities


Institutional Communication Service

19 September 2022

Taking care of the inner self by making time for meditation and reflection away from the daily chaos is a vital part of the university experience beyond studying, sports and various activities. Precisely to foster spiritual well-being, the University Chaplaincy offers a variety of encounters during the semester.

Mass will be held every Tuesday at 12:30 pm at the Basilica del Sacro Cuore, followed by a community lunch in Centro Cittadella (Corso Elvezia 35).

Once a month, in the Prayer and Meditation Room at USI room 151B, the following meetings are scheduled:

  • INSIGHT, where those who wish can stop and pray with the Shalom Community;
  • TAIZE prayer - prayer made mostly of silence, meditation of the Word and singing.;

More information at
