Poets of the twentieth century 


Institutional Communication Service

26 September 2022

After Dante, Manzoni and Collodi, the 2022 readings in Lugano organised by the Institute of Italian Studies will be dedicated to the poetry of the second half of the twentieth century. It is a further stage in a journey, begun precisely ten years ago, that has travelled through the literary tradition in the Italian language to share content with a general audience without renouncing complexity and critical insight. The readings will be held from 3 October through 5 December, at 6.15 pm, at the Auditorium, West Campus Lugano. 
This time the readings will approach a poetic lingo confronted with the knots and contradictions of our contemporaneity after the trauma of the "anthropological mutation" (Pasolini) that has radically transformed our society and our very existence.  

In this first round of encounters, we will have the opportunity to approach the work of masters of post-Montalian poetry such as Giorgio Caproni, Luciano Erba, Mario Luzi, Giovanni Raboni, and Andrea Zanzotto; younger authors who established themselves after the 1970s as new classics (Milo De Angelis); high poetic voices of Southern Switzerland such as Giorgio Orelli and Gilberto Isella; and finally extraordinary inventors of a dialect language that knows how to offer itself as a universal idiom (Franco Scataglini). 


The following is the programme of readings: 

  • 3 October: Fabio Pusterla
    Giorgio Orelli, Foratura a Giubiasco 
  • 10 October: Arnaldo Soldani (Università degli Studi di Verona, USI)
    Prove di una pronuncia inclusiva: percorsi nell’opera di Giovanni Raboni 
  • 17 October: Uberto Motta (Université de Fribourg)
    Tra cielo e terra. Zanzotto verticale e orizzontale 
  • 24 October: Luca Trissino
    «Vicissitudine e forma». Luzi maestro di stile 
  • 7 November: Stefano Prandi
    Luciano Erba, La seconda casa 
  • 14 November: Andrea Afribo (Università degli Studi di Padova)
    «Al timone di una goccia». L’incredibile poesia di Milo De Angelis 
  • 21 November: Giuliana Di Febo
    La Litania di Giorgio Caproni: metro e motivi di una nostalgia 
  • 28 November: Laura Quadri
    «Nero terragno» e «algore degli astri», la poesia di Gilberto Isella 
  • 5 December: Antonella Anedda
    “El nudo matatoio”: la poesia di Franco Scataglini 


