The new USI Startup Centre annual report is out


Institutional Communication Service

12 April 2023

The new report features key statistics on the progress made by the incubated startup projects in 2022 and provides an overview of the USI Startup Centre activities, including new initiatives and collaborations involving the academic community, entrepreneurs, business people and partner organisations.

USI Startup Centre continues to build a community of entrepreneurs and innovators on campus and to support promising early-stage science-based startup projects through a structured incubation programme. The new desk service launched in 2022 is aimed to help individuals at the initial stage of idea development. During these informal meetings, which can be booked online, aspiring entrepreneurs can test their idea, receive recommendations on the next steps, or ask for information regarding the programmes offered by USI Startup Centre and other support organisations.

The report provides a snapshot of the progress made by the incubated startups based on self-reported information. During the reporting year, 30 supported projects raised a total funding of CHF 2.4M, generated CHF1.8M in turnover, counted 87.6 FTEs and received approval for seven new applied research projects for a total value of CHF3.1M.

Furthermore, the report explores topics of interest to the entrepreneurial community, featuring insights and learnings from the startup founders. The three subjects featured in the 2022 edition are research collaborations between startups and academia, combining startup and studies, and transition from incubation to self-sufficiency.


Download the USI Startup Centre Annual Report here

