Foundations of Trustworthy AI for the Real World

Staff - Faculty of Informatics

Date: 25 September 2023 / 09:30 - 10:30

USI East Campus, Room D0.03

Speaker: Prof. Mykola Pechenizkiy, TU Eindhoven

Abstract: Trustworthy AI is broadly used as an umbrella term encompassing multiple aspects of machine learning-based solutions, notably including robustness, reliability, safety, security, scalability, and interpretability. Some of these aspects are of higher importance for adopting mostly autonomous solutions, others - for applications involving human-in-the-loop in decision making. In this talk, I aim to discuss several real world and foundational aspects of trustworthiness with respect to the challenges of frugal AI, explainable AI, and adversarial AI over evolving data.

Biography: Mykola Pechenizkiy is full professor, chair of Data and AI at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Eindhoven. His main expertise and research interests are in predictive analytics on data evolving over time. He leads Trustworthy AI interdisciplinary research studying foundations of robustness, safety, trust, reliability, scalability, and understanding of AI and their applications in industry, healthcare and education. Their recent work won several awards, including recent IEEE ICDE 2023 Best Demo Award, IDA 2023 Runner-up Frontier Prize, IEEE DSAA 2022 Best Paper Award, LoG 2022 Best Paper Award, ALA 2022 Best Paper Award.

Host: Prof. Marc Langheinrich

