Twenty-one newly qualified school headmasters


Institutional Communication Service

13 June 2024

The sixth edition of the Certificate in Advanced Studies (CAS) in "Training management for training institution managers", in partnership between SUFFP, SUPSI and USI, ended on Tuesday 11 June at Castelgrande in Bellinzona. Twenty-one heads of educational institutions from each school system successfully completed this one-year training course that started in January 2023.

Educational experience and scientific research have for decades highlighted the importance of what occurs in training institutions (particularly in primary, junior, secondary and vocational schools), showing that there is a strong link between the type of school administration that exists there and the actual ability to achieve pedagogical and didactic goals. This is why there is a growing awareness, both at a political level and in professional practice, of the need for those in charge of institutes and training institutions to possess sound management and leadership skills, as well as pedagogical, didactic, cultural and scientific expertise, in order to respond in the best and most innovative way possible to the needs expressed by society and the economy in terms of knowledge and skills to be trained, coached and refined continuously.

The following have been awarded the certificate: Araya Christian, Baroni Lucia, Bello Stefano, Bernasconi Aline, Bonoli Stefano, Braga Piercarlo, Dal Mas Patrick, Degiacomi Simone, Donetta Loris, Doninelli Francesco, Horvat Erik, Jäggli Federico, Jaquet-Richardet Ivana, Maspoli Francesca, Orelli Vassere Chiara, Rastrelli Riccardo, Schiera Lucia, Speziga Gabriel, Terzi Laura, Zaharulko Nicola, Zeeb Cristina.

In the meantime, in January 2024, 22 new heads or management staff started the seventh GeFo CAS, which will end in December 2024.

For further information
Siegfried Alberton – GeFo Scientific Committee Coordinator
[email protected]
