Free from fear: the series of encounters dedicated to dementia


Institutional Communication Service

23 September 2024

In Switzerland, three out of four people fear dementia more than any other age-related health condition. But what specific fears are associated with dementia, and how can they be addressed? What tools are available to family caregivers to help them cope with these fears? One way to change the social perception of dementia is by encouraging open discussions about the firsthand experiences of dementia among researchers, healthcare professionals, family caregivers, institutions, and the general public.

To mark World Alzheimer's Day, the Institute of Public Health (IPH) at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), in collaboration with the Department of Health and Social Affairs of the Canton of Ticino (DSS), Pro Senectute Ticino and Moesano, Alzheimer Ticino the City of Lugano, Lugano Istituti Sociali (LIS), the Associazione Ticinese degli Psicologi (ATP) and the Swiss Red Cross Sottoceneri Branch (CRSS), is launching a series of encounters to delve into the experiences of family caregivers of individuals with dementia.

Over the course of five evenings, a panel of local and international experts will explore key topics related to care and support. During the talks, videos will be featured, telling the story of dementia from the perspective of family caregivers who have made significant contributions to research in Ticino in recent years. These caregivers will join experts and institutions, as well as Giancarlo Dillena, a lecturer in media communication and the series moderator, to enrich the discussions.

All the encounters will be held at USI on the East Campus Lugano Aula polivalente (Sector A) from 5:30 to 7:00 (Italian only).

The programme features:

24 October 2024: Cogliere i segnali

How do we recognise symptoms? Introduction to dementia, the main symptoms and the steps to obtain initial support, including diagnosis.

Experts present will be Prof. Emiliano Albanese and Dr. William Pertoldi.

5 December 2024: Chiedere aiuto

What forms of support exist? Information on available local support resources and strategies for involving others in caring responsibilities and seeking support.

Experts attending will be Dr. Anna De Benedetti and Prof. Carlo De Pietro.

20 February 2025: Trovare tempo per sé

How to find time for oneself and for the person being cared for? Resources and strategies to help the family caregiver preserve his or her own well-being and face the challenges of caregiving.

The experts attending will be Fra' Michele Ravetta and Prof. Rita Pezzati.

27 March 2025: Favorire l’autonomia

How to simplify daily activities to increase autonomy? Instructions and strategies to preserve the dignity, safety and autonomy of the person with dementia at every stage of the illness and in daily activities.

The experts attending will be Roberto Farci and Simona Mazzagatti.

15 May 2025: Leggere il comportamento

Catching the signs: how to interpret and manage the changes that can occur with dementia?

The experts attending will be Prof. Rabih Chattat and Dr. Paolo Paolantonio.

The series is the result of the project "Free from fears. Re-elaborating dementia through the eyes of family caregivers", coordinated by Dr. Maddalena Fiordelli, lecturer and researcher at the Institute of Public Health at USI, and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

The full programme with full details is available here.

For further information: [email protected]

Each evening, there will be information stands for the associations active in Ticino. Additionally, to enable family caregivers to participate in the event, dedicated spaces will be available where their loved ones will be welcomed by volunteers and workers from the Alzheimer's Association. To reserve a place for your loved one, please write to [email protected] or call 091 912 17 07.

