USI research project receives the 2018 Dalle Molle Foundation Award for Quality of Life

The awardees (from L to R): Prof. Bronstein, Federico Monti, and Dr. Davide Eynard
The awardees (from L to R): Prof. Bronstein, Federico Monti, and Dr. Davide Eynard
Prof. Michael Bronstein presents his project at the ceremony
Prof. Michael Bronstein presents his project at the ceremony

Institutional Communication Service

26 November 2018

On Wednesday, November 21, during a ceremony held in Lausanne at the CFJM Centre de Formation auJournalisme et aux Médias, the project "FABULA: Fake news detection in social media" by Prof. Michael Bronstein (Institute of Computational Science, ICS, Faculty of Informatics) received the 2018 Dalle Molle Foundation Award for Quality of Life. The Dalle Molle Foundation awards the prize each year to a current research project which has already been acknowledged by research support bodies, public institutions or private companies for its scientific quality, and which encourage and foster research that enable people to benefit from science and technology and to improve the quality of life.

Prof. Michael Bronstein, together with fellow ICS researchers Federico Monti and Dr. Davide Eynard, has devised and developed a new method – based on artificial intelligence algorithms – that could prove to be the most effective solution to the spreading of fake news through the Internet. Instead of focusing on content, the new system analyses the processes that generate news items, in automated fashion, identifying models useful to distinguish real news from fake ones. The innovative approach is based on a new class of machine learning algorithms, so-called “Geometric Deep Learning”, developed by the research group of Prof. Bronstein together with other researchers at EPFL Lausanne, NTU Nanyang Technology University Singapore, and Tel Aviv University. 

The Dalle Molle Foundation for quality of life is a not-for-profit foundation based in Lugano. Founded in 1971 by Angelo Dalle Molle, an Italian industrialist and patron of the arts, its objective is to promote quality of life through scientific advances, in particular within the field of new technologies. The Dalle Molle Foundation devotes itself to promoting innovation, in particular through an international award which rewards original research projects or ideas enabling improvements to quality of life. With this in mind, since 1970 it has sponsored the foundation of numerous research institutes within Switzerland: ISSCO (Geneva), IDSIA (Lugano), Idiap Research Institute (Martigny) and MEDIPLANT (Conthey).

