Guided walks around the Campus Est construction site


Institutional Communication Service

Date: 3 July 2019 / 18:00

It is possible to take part in a guided tour of the area surrounding the Campus Est construction site (no access to the construction site). Participants will have the chance for a closer look at the project and the premises that will host the future university centre of Lugano between the boroughs of Viganello and Molino Nuovo (guided walk itinerary). A tour of Casa Progetto will be offered in the end of the walk. 

The walk will last about 1 hour, the meeting point is the casa progetto at the intersection of Viale Cassarate and Via Madonnetta, 6900 Lugano.
You can register individually or in groups. Groups of minimum 8 people and maximum 15 people per walk are accepted.

Compulsory registration through the online form.

