Doughnut Economics - Masterclass with Kate Raworth
Institutional Communication Service
25 October 2019
"Humanity's 21st century challenge is to meet the needs of all within the means of the planet." Kate Raworth's explanation of the Doughnut of Social and Planetary Boundaries distills the challenge of climate and social well-being into a series of factors that must be brought into balance for future generations to continue to survive and prosper on this planet.
Her research and doughnut model have found interest in organizations such as the UN General Assembly, the Global Green Growth Forum, and Occupy London.
In this masterclass (October 29, 2019, Padiglione Conza MAC6, Lugano) Raworth will conduct an open presentation of the model and its application in a project developed in Amsterdam, as the city works toward a series of sustainable economic objectives that seek to bring about 100% sustainability by 2050. Following the presentation, an Open Space workshop will be conducted among participants to foster the methodology of collective intelligence and creative interaction.
The afternoon session, for registered participants only, will be centered around a scenario of role-playing, in which the present and the future transcend the linearity of time and are permitted to dialogue with one another. Roman Krznaric will join Kate Raworth to conduct the session and reflect on the outcomes with the group.
Further information and registrations: