Sport in pills
Institutional Communication Service
16 March 2020
The activities of the Sport Service are suspended. However, four instructors of the Service - Pia, Alessio, Martina and Marti - will bring your daily sports fix directly to your home.
The USI Sport team does not rest: camera in hand offers workouts to keep fit directly from home. One daily video pill, will be available on the USI youtube channel in a dedicated playlist, to carry out individual workouts and embrace training and healthy habits. The routine will be explained by the four instructors and each clip will cover various areas from cardio to postural and stretching exercises.
Each clip will take from a minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 15 depending on the duration of the exercises and the number of series required to complete the workout. Also add a few seconds to keep in touch and share your daily workout on social media with the hashtag #USIpilloledisport.
The youtube playlist is updated daily and is available here.
The sports clips are also featured on the @USIsport social media channels.