USI25 - Townhall
Institutional Communication Service
Date: 24 February 2021 / 18:30 - 20:00
The first Townhall "USI and the third Covid-19 semester: the challenges and how to face them" will be held online on Wednesday, 24 February. A meeting dedicated to students at the beginning of the third term in pandemic conditions. This first meeting is part of USI25 and aims to bring together the university community in a virtual round table, allowing professors, faculty, students and administrative staff to share information and answer questions of common interest. Access link through icorsi to join as student:
As the third Covid-19 semester begins - the first to be officially launched from remote - the faculties and services wish to share directly with the students the state of play, present the challenges of the coming months and the projects with which they intend to tackle them.
The student's active interaction will be essential: they will be able to follow the event and ask questions via chat.
A moderator will facilitate the discussion and bring questions to the attention of the speakers.
The meeting will be held online on Wednesday, 24 February, from 6:30-8:00 pm with the following lineup:
- Welcome by the Rector, Boas Erez
- Introduction by Sonja Hildebrand, Pro-Rector for Research in the Humanities and Equal Opportunities
- Mentimeter Survey by Lorenzo Canton, Pro-Rector for education and students' experience.
- Life in a pandemic: the students' voices with Diana Santos, on behalf of USI student representatives
- Problems and opportunities of student mobility in times of pandemic with Arianna Imberti Dosi, International Relations Service
- Students and careers in the pandemic with Silvia Invrea, Career Service
- Sport at USI during the pandemic with Giorgio Piffaretti, Sport Service
- Life, study and a pandemic: USI in ascolto (USI is listening) with Gloria Dagnino, Equal Opportunities Service
Through the dedicated chat, students will be able to ask questions, make comments and suggestions that the speakers will welcome according to the chosen topic area.
// Here you find some considerations about distance learning and an assessment of the third online exam session at USI