GovernaTI-VA: exchange of sound administrative practices between Switzerland and Italy


Institutional Communication Service

26 April 2021

GovernaTI-VA, the cross-border project that sees USI as a lead partner together with the Municipality of Varese and that has been awarded funding of CHF 85,000 for Ticino and € 900,000 on the Italian side within the Interreg V-A Italy-Switzerland 2014-2020 cooperation programme, has entered in full swing.

The activities and ongoing projects were presented Wednesday, 21 April 2021, in the Salone Estense of the City Hall in Varese in the presence of the mayor of the city Davide Galimberti, Manuela Barreca, professor and researcher at USI, Marzio della Santa Head of the Local Authorities Section (SEL) - Canton Ticino, Carlo Penati, ANCI Lombardia, and Silvia Pozzi, Program Manager of the project GovernaTI-VA .

During the event, Marco Meneguzzo, Professor of Public Management at USI and non-profit at the Institute of Political Economy (IdEP), took the floor for an institutional greeting reiterating that "the goal of GovernaTI-VA is the sharing of knowledge as a basis for strengthening the capacity of public administrations in the Province of Varese and Canton Ticino to develop shared decision-making processes, facing common challenges together. From this new Interreg project, which also involves the Local Authorities Section of the DI and the Swiss PPP Association," he adds, "We expect, in addition to a debate on current trends, precise indications on possible approaches to the management of services and small to medium-sized Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects, and on the changes taking place in the functioning of Municipalities, such as the impact of smart-working following Covid-19. There are two areas in particular on which the GovernaTI-VA project will focus and which will see USI more involved: mobility and innovation. On the mobility front, the intention is to identify shared solutions to govern the flow of travel better and ensure accessibility and sustainable connections to all residents of the two regions. Smart cities, social innovation, e-democracy and digital transformation are the concepts that revolve around the theme of innovation, on which it is important to share ideas and create guidelines to exploit the full potential of technological innovation for the development of the region".

"In order to exercise public governance in a widespread and effective way, we need adequate skills, greater integration between the political and technical sectors, more flexibility, digital media to increase knowledge and facilitate interaction with citizens and stakeholders - says the mayor of Varese Davide Galimberti - There will be training courses aimed at technicians and politicians of the municipalities on both sides of the border. The municipal organisational structures and processes and regulatory and management tools can be modified and improved with an ever greater involvement at the institutional and operational level of territorial stakeholders. The objective is to direct the activities according to a supra-municipal and supranational planning vision also with the aim of attracting, for the collective benefit, new actors and more resources and give new prospects for growth, especially in difficult times like the one we are living".


For more information, please visit the website at this link.

Attached, the next events id GovernaTI-VA





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