MORSE Seminar - Do institutional factors still affect M&A markets in integrated regions of the world?
Institute of Management and Organisation
Start date: 9 June 2011
End date: 10 June 2011
MORSE seminar, given by Caterina Moschieri (Istituto de Impresa, Madrid).
Title: Do institutional factors still affect M&A markets in integrated regions of the world?
Date: Thursday 9th of June, 12:30
Location: Room 254, Main Building
Abstract: This paper raises the question of whether regional integration has improved the efficiency of the market for mergers and acquisitions. More precisely, using the European Union as the backdrop of our investigation, we examine whether the effects of country-level barriers to cross-border M&A have weakened as integration has developed, thereby creating a more fluid market for corporate resources. Overall, the results do not show convincing support for this idea, revealing that despite on-going integration efforts in the region, M&A activity still suffers from country-specific challenges. A number of implications of these findings are discussed.