La tradizione delle scienze sociali nel mondo arabo

Institutional Communication Service

31 March 2008

Conferenza di Heba Handoussa presso l’Istituto studi mediterranei

Le problematiche complesse vissute da molti paesi del mondo arabo hanno determinato, da diversi decenni, lo svilupparsi di una tradizione di studi sulle scienze sociali peculiare e particolarmente frammentata. Il prossimo giovedì 3 aprile, alle ore 17:30  presso l’Auditorium del Campus di Lugano, la professoressa Heba Handoussa, terrà una conferenza pubblica sullo stato e le prospettive di questo campo di studio, in un contesto ricco e problematico come quello arabo. La conferenza sarà in lingua inglese.

Prof. Heba Handoussa is Director and Lead Author of the National Human Development Report for Egypt 2008 and was the Research Director for the Gender Economic Research and policy Analysis (GERPA). GERPA was launched as a MENA regional initiative to promote high-level research on gender issues across the Middle East. Previous to this, and for the past 10 years, Heba Handoussa was the Managing Director of the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey (ERF)  based in Cairo, a non-governmental, non-profit institution established in 1993 to promote policy-relevant research on the MENA region. Dr. Handoussa obtained her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of London and taught at the American University in Cairo, where she was twice chair of the Economics, Political Science and Mass Communications Department. She has also consistently served as an advisor to the Egyptian government and as a consultant to the World Bank. Her numerous publications cover the areas of employment, industrial policy, productivity growth, foreign aid, institutional reform and comparative development models, governance and civil society in the Arab world.