"Fascinating Informatics" at USI


Institutional Communication Service

14 September 2022

"Fascinating Informatics" is back at USI. The study week, organised in collaboration with the Science and Youth Foundation, toke place from 12 to 16 September at the Lugano East Campus. 

USI hosted five participants between the ages of 16 and 17 from the cantons of Obwalden, Lucerne, Solothurn and Vaud, who worked in small groups on projects: 

  • Adversarial Attack and Defense of Deep Learning Models, proposed by postdocs Matteo Biagiola and Andrea Stocco from the group led by Prof. Paolo Tonella of the Software Institute
  • Deep Learning for Computer Vision on Edge devices, proposed by Luca Butera, IDSIA PhD student in Prof. Cesare Alippi's group; 

"USI has been hosting this engaging Study Week since 2008 to pursue two important goals: to encourage young recruits to study informatics and to promote USI north of the Alps," said Mauro Prevostini, Programme Manager of the USI Faculty of Informatics. 
Along with USI, Fachhochschule Brugg/Windisch, IBM, Microsoft and SBB/SBB toke part in the initiative.


