When machines make art


Institutional Communication Service

Date: 20 September 2023 / 18:15 - 19:45

Sala 1, LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura

The advancement of artificial intelligence has led to the creation of literary texts, works of art, music, and news reports that are so similar to those produced by humans that it is difficult to tell the difference. This raises the question of how AI will impact the fields of architecture, music composition, and writing.

An evening of exploration into the relationship between creativity and new technologies, accompanied by music created by artificial intelligence, and with the participation of cellist Enrico Dindo who will perform live.

Guests for the evening will be Luisa Lambertini, Rector of Università della Svizzera italiana (USI); Enrico Dindo, cellist and conductor; Riccardo Blumer, architect and designer, professor at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio; Luca Gambardella, Pro-rector for Innovation and Corporate Relations at Università della Svizzera italiana, where he directs the Master's programme in Artificial Intelligence.

Moderator: Giovanni Pellegri, PhD in neurobiology, head of L'ideatorio USI.

The evening is proposed by NEL, fare arte nel nostro tempo, in collaboration with L'ideatorio of Università della Svizzera italiana, and with the participation of the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana and LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura as part of LAC Edu project.

The encounter opens the series "Il futuro è aperto..." (The future is open...) organised by the association NEL, fare arte nel nostro tempo. Among the proposed activities, Università della Svizzera italiana will host on 15 November at 6:30 pm the encounter "Quando la scrittura è creata da una macchina" with journalist Gabriele Beccaria, USI Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society professor Colin Porlezza and journalist Roberto Porta.