A lecture by Franco Citterio


Institutional Communication Service

Date: 11 December 2023 / 13:30 - 15:00

Aula A32 - Palazzo rosso

Franco Citterio, Director of Associazione Bancaria Ticinese (ABT), will give a talk on Monday, 11 December 2023, as part of the International Macroeconomics course (1:30-3:00 pm, room A32) held by Prof. Edoardo Beretta. The lecture will be in Italian and focus on the Ticino banking world, its decades-long history, and its evolving present and future challenges.

Franco Citterio's talk is a "natural sequel" - in this edition of the course, with a focus on Ticino's commercial banks - to the talk given in December 2022 by Dr Fabio Bossi, Swiss National Bank (SNB) delegate for regional economic relations in the Swiss-Italian-speaking region.

The lecture is addressed to students of the Master in Economia e Politica Internazionale (MEPIN) and the Master in Public Management and Policy (PMP), but also open to other USI programmes.
