#digitale21: the impact of the digital revolution on education and labour

(Andy Kelly)
(Andy Kelly)

Institutional Communication Service

29 March 2018

Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, robotics, cyber physical systems, digital economy… The hyper-digitized and ‘fluid’ world of today raises a series of challenges – for citizens living and working in society, and for the institutions who are required to provide adequate socio-economic framework conditions. The radical changes that are taking place perhaps call for a new "digital literacy" to provide all citizens with the basic knowledge needed to integrate into the society of tomorrow. 

In this context, educators and training professionals - schools, universities, vocational trainers, etc. – play a key role, all the more so if they are to provide the means for constantly growing in terms of innovative capacity and competitiveness. But what are effects of the digital revolution on the education sector in Switzerland? How should universities, vocational schools and schools in general adapt to the new paradigm? 

From April 12 to 13 (preceded by a closed session, on April 11, for teachers and experts in education), the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, together with Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) and the Science et Cité Foundation organizes #digitale21, a series of topic-based discussions and public conferences aiming at developing a creative and interdisciplinary dialogue between academia, society and the economy. 

Over the two days of the symposium, the SUPSI Auditorium (Trevano campus) will feature a series of keynote speeches from leading representatives of the academic and business world, among which Federico Capasso (professor of Physics at University of Harvard, Balzan 2016 awardee, renown for the realisation of the Quantum Cascade Laser), Laura Perret Ducommun (Secretary General, Swiss Federation of Trade Unions), Rudolf Minsch (Chief economist at economiesuisse), Fritz Schiesser (President of the ETH Board), Ignazio Cassis (Federal Councilor), Mauro Dell'Ambrogio (State Secretary, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation), Peter Voser (Chairman, ABB Group), and Monica Duca Widmer (President of the USI Council).

On Friday 13, in particular, the round table discussion will be held with SUPSI Director Franco Gervasoni, USI Rector Boas Erez, SFIVET Director Cornelia Oertle, and the Head of the Ticino Chamber of Commerce Luca Albertoni. Four working sessions will follow, during which participants will make recommendations that will be brought to the attention of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research.

For details and the full program: www.digitale21.ch

