Ticino, a local and global economy


Institutional Communication Service

1 October 2018

Ticino is a relatively small economic region, located in a strategic position in the centre of Europe. These particular characteristics have led local business activities to invest in relationship with other countries, making it a strong point for their competitiveness both at the international and intra-national levels.

The USI Institute for Economic Research (IRE) has studied this subject and has published the volume, in Italian, Il Ticino: un’economia locale e globale. Analisi dello spazio di produzione e degli scambi commerciali.

From a strictly economic-statistical perspective, this study contributes to the existing literature illustrating the importance of Ticino's economic connections not only with Italy, but also with the rest of Switzerland and of the world.

In this volume, the authors, Federica Maggi and Rico Maggi (researcher at IRE and, respectively, Director of IRE and USI professor), have observed how business and industrial relationships in Ticino have evolved over time. While the first part of the study highlights the key role of international trade in Ticino, the second part focuses on the production factors underpinning this economic success.

The study starts from observations at a macro level, i.e. the flows of goods that concern Ticino, the industrial and business relationships between companies, and the flows of people. Particular attention has been paid to Italy, given the intensity of connections that the Italian-speaking Canton has established with its neighbour.

The publication summarises the results of a three-year study (2014-2017), which was supported by the Ferdinando and Laura Pica Alfieri Foundation.


For information:
Federica Maggi, tel. 058 666 4669, e-mail: [email protected]

