AI Driven Social Media Design

In an era dominated by social media, understanding the intricate relationship between AI and digital design is essential. This module explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and social media design, giving participants an understanding of how AI technologies improve user engagement, content development, and personalization in the digital arena. Participants will delve into the realms of image recognition, sentiment analysis, and chatbots, learning how these tools can optimize social media campaigns and user experiences.

Jora Zeneli

Jora Zeneli is a 20 year old STEM enthusiast with a strong background in social media management. Before starting her studies she decided to take a gap year where she developed her skills in the Social Media and AI area by working in one of the world-leading digital media companies. In addition, after completing her gap year she started working at Growzillas, a digital marketing agency which was recognized by Forbes recently, where she is further improving her digital marketing skills. She is currently pursuing her bachelor in informatics at USI while also continuing working in social media. Back home, she is the co-founder of “Çikat n’STEM”, an organization dedicated to educating and empowering women to pursue STEM careers. Apart from the technical skills in Digital Marketing she enjoys spreading her knowledge with others and giving back to the community.