USI Alumni Point of Contact Meeting
Alumni Service
Date: 5 May 2020
The USI Alumni Service organises the first meeting with USI Alumni who act as Point of Contact (PoC) around the world.
24 USI Alumni Chapters in 33 cities with 39 USI Alumni in charge who organised already 28 alumni gatherings.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 from 3.30 until 4.30 (CEST Time). Mode: online
- Welcome remarks and words of appreciation for the work done by the PoC (Rector Prof. Boas Erez)
- Round of PoC presentations: name, role/company, chapter (PoCs Alumni)
- USI today: current news and development plans (Rector Prof. Boas Erez)
- Current state-of-the-art of the alumni community (Alumni Service Director, Silvia Invrea)
- Sharing the experience of being a PoC: how the meetings went, best practices (PoCs Alumni)
- Expectations and ideas for the future of USI Alumni Chapters and communities (PoCs Alumni)
- Q&A
At the event the USI Rector, Prof. Boas Erez will be present.