Dossier COVID-19, the USI way to cope with the infodemic

The University Library Lugano
The University Library Lugano

Institutional Communication Service

5 November 2020

COVID-19, Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2... these terms and acronyms have their own and different meanings, but sometimes they are mistakenly used as synonyms. On the pandemic many experts - and non - from all over the world feed a relentless flow of news, occasionally conflicting, creating the so-called "infodemic", which the average citizen cannot always to cope with. In an attempt to help clarify the situation, USI has created an online information archive to provide a tool to help find one's way around this complex subject. 

Created by the USI University Library Lugano, Dossier COVID-19 is the new online portal through which one can search scientific and informative articles produced by academics at USI and its affiliated Institutes. The pandemic has, in fact, led many academic researchers and experts at USI to analyse the situation from different angles: health, but also economic, social, and more.

With this online database, which is updated continuously, USI intends to provide more appropriate and targeted access to information and to underscore the scientific results that our University and its Institutes can achieve. 


Dossier COVID-19 is publicly available, online >>

For remarks, comments or suggestions >> [email protected]

