SNSF - Doc.CH: Changing application criteria and deadlines

Research Service

20 November 2020

New submission deadlines: 15 March and 15 September 2021

As of 2021, the eligibility window for SNSF Doc.CH will be 3 years after the master's degree instead of 2 (in justified cases, the time window may be further extended on request). Also starting next year, researchers who are not Swiss nationals and have a foreign master's degree will be able to submit a Doc.CH application, provided they are already matriculated at the envisaged higher education institution in Switzerland by the submission deadline.

Other adjustments: changing the higher education institution between bachelor and registration for a PhD is no longer a formal requirement. In future, both past and prospective mobility will be taken into account for the evaluation. If applicants have not changed their higher education institution, they will need to explain how the necessary mobility could be achieved during the Doc.CH grant funding period.

Finally, in justified cases a work-time percentage below 100% will be permissible, but it must not fall below 80%, or only for short periods.

Per-selection of applications:

As of next year, the pre-selection of applications will no longer be conducted locally by the Research Commissions of the higher education institutions, instead the Research Council of the SNSF will be responsible for pre-selection at national level. As until now, the applicants shortlisted in the pre-selection phase will be invited to present their project and career plans at a personal interview in Bern.


Find further information on the SNSF dedicated page or contact Ms. Dafne Pedrazzoli.