Webinar - Balance research and childcare: Funding and opportunities

Research Service

Date: 18 May 2021

The EPFL Research Office is pleased to invite you to the Webinar "Balance research and childcare: funding and opportunities" to be held on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 from 12:00 – 13:15 via Zoom.
The Zoom link and outlook invitation will be provided prior to the event.

Join the event to learn about funding, opportunities and flexibility measures available to researchers who have children or are planning to become parents!

Helene Füger, Equal Opportunities Delegate @EPFL
Dr. Simona Isler, Head of Equal Opportunities Research Funding Division @SNSF
Micol Nantiat, National Contact Point for Legal & Financial aspects @Euresearch

The event is open to researchers from any Swiss university or research institution.

Register here: https://forms.gle/HoFAn2CAcRKUhAmK9