Boldbrain Startup Challenge 2021: 10 teams selected for the finals


Institutional Communication Service

22 November 2021

On Friday, 19 November, the regional jury of Boldbrain Startup Challenge convened at USI Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano to evaluate the teams who have just completed the 3-month acceleration phase of the competition, and to select the ten finalists who will pitch their projects at the Awarding Ceremony on December 2.

The regional jury, chaired by Giambattista Ravano (delegate director for research and knowledge transfer, SUPSI) and composed of Thomas Billeter (member of the board and director of investors, SICTIC Ticino), Leandro Bitetti (professor-researcher, SUPSI), Gianluca Colombo (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and director of the Executive MBA, USI), Guy Giuffredi (Investment Director, Serpentine Ventures), Luca Mascaro (Founder and CEO, Sketchin), Michele Merazzi (Vice-Director, Chamber of Commerce Canton Ticino) and Giuseppe Perale (Professor of Regenerative Medicine, USI), examined the documentation produced and listened to each of the competing projects, then evaluated them according to pre-established criteria.

The ten teams selected by the regional jury to enter the finals are (in alphabetical order):

  1. AMIS Automated Medical Image Segmentation
  2. Arcadia
  3. DolcePack
  4. ƎDomusTech Three-dimensional concerete printing
  5. Ethafa Steammians kit
  6. InkVivo
  7. Lealty
  8. motuSML
  9. PepperZone – The place to level up
  10. talent4gig

The finalists will present and pitch their projects at the Awards Ceremony on 2 December 2021, starting at 6:30PM at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano – a first for Boldbrain, reflecting the steady growth of the programme. The ten finalists will compete for the five prizes awarded by the national jury and the sixth prize awarded by the audience vote.

Registrations are mandatory and open until 25 November 2021 at:


Boldbrain Startup Challenge

Boldbrain Startup Challenge is an acceleration programme for early-stage innovative startups in Ticino, organised by the Agire Foundation with the support of the USI Startup Centre. Boldbrain Startup Challenge is the evolution of the StartCup Ticino competition, offering 20 new startups a three-month coaching program that helps them shape the project identity and boost their entrepreneurial journey. Promoted and supported by the Department of Economy and Finances of the Canton of Ticino, with the important contribution of BancaStato, the programme kicks off in September and ends with the award ceremony in early December. Cash prizes totaling 120.000 CHF are up for grabs, and many other prizes in services for a total value of more than 80.000 CHF, including a full scholarship to attend the USI Executive MBA worth 52.000 CHF.

