European Innovation Council (EIC) calls now published

Research Service

10 February 2022

European Innovation Council (EIC) calls now published


EIC Pathfinder Open

Support for early-stage development of radically new technologies. Open to any topic and discipline.
This call is open for collaborative research. The consortium must include at least 3 legal entities (universities, research organisations, SMEs and startups, industrial partners) established in a different Member State or Associated Country, of which at least 1 of them from a Member State.

Deadline: 4 May 2022

Call page

The EIC Pathfinder Challenges have a similar structure as the Pathfinder Open, but will address pre-defined topics in the area of: environment, energy, health and digital technologies.


EIC Transition

The EIC Transition support the validation of a novel technology and the development of a business case towards the innovation’s commercialisation.
Projects should build on results achieved within an eligible project (ERC Proof of Concept, EIC Pathfinder, FET Open and Flagships).

Deadlines: 04 May and 28 - September 2022.

Call page

EIC Work Programme 2022 is now available and contains all the calls details and eligibility conditions.


Swiss participation

Please note that currently Swiss entities are eligible to participate in EIC Pathfinder and Transition with national funding, but are excluded from participating in the EIC Accelerator (aimed at SMEs and start-ups).


An EIC Applicants’ Day will be organised by the EIC on 22 February, with detailed presentations of all elements of the EIC 2022 work programme and thorough information on how to apply. More information and the agenda will be published on the official EIC webpage.