IFin Seminar, Cesare Robotti, Warwick Business School - "Noisy prices and return-based anomalies in corporate bonds"

Institute of Finance

Date: 23 November 2023 / 12:25 - 13:40

Speaker: Cesare Robotti, Warwick Business School

Title - "Noisy prices and return-based anomalies in corporate bonds"

Date: November 23, 2023

Time: 12:25 - 13:40

Room: Red Room Executive Center (Main Building West Campus)

USI - West Campus




We argue that the documented large abnormal returns to investors from corporate bond anomalies such as return reversals and momentum mainly stem from ignoring market microstructure noise in transaction-based bond prices and relying on ad hoc return winsorization. To address these issues, we construct bond data that is largely free of microstructure noise and closely mimics industry-grade quote data. We revisit prior findings  in the literature and provide conclusive evidence that return-based anomalies, once properly constructed, generate negligible average returns and alphas. Finally, we show that the considered return-based factors (and their underlying signals) are not related to average bond returns.
