SNSF PRIMA Supports excellent women researchers aspiring to a professorship

Research Service

26 April 2017

By introducing PRIMA (Promoting Women in Academia), an innovative career funding scheme for excellent women researchers, the SNSF aims to contribute to the appointment of female professors in Switzerland. The new scheme is aimed at female researchers at postdoc level from all disciplines who have the potential for an academic career and are eager to pursue an academic career at a Swiss higher education institution.

With a maximum duration of 5 years, PRIMA grants cover the grantee’s salary and project costs, which allow, amongst others, to engage a team, benefit from an academic stay at another institution as well as form a mentoring network.

Applicants for a PRIMA grant have obtained their doctoral degree or an equivalent qualification between 2 and 10 years prior to the submission deadline.

The first call for proposals will be launched on 1 August 2017, and the submission deadline will be 1 November 2017. The budget will cover 10-12 PRIMA grants for the most promising projects in 2018.