Workshop to submit SNF proposals by the 1st of October 2016 (Lugano)

Research Service

Start date: 16 September 2016

End date: 17 September 2016

For the SNF deadline for project submission at the 1st of October, the new regulations apply, which introduce a large number of novelties. These also imply a large number of changes in the administrative forms and documents to be submitted and some additional documents to be prepared.

In order to prepare for this deadline, the USI-SUPSI Research Service organizes three workshops where the new SNF forms will be demonstrated and questions will be answered.

The workshops will take place at following dates and places:

  • 02.09.2016, 12-30 - 13:30 at USI Lugano, room 254.
  • 12.09.2016, 12:30 - 13:30 at SUPSI Manno, Palazzo E, Room 210.
  • 16.09.2016, 12-30 - 13.30 at USI Lugano, room A24.

The workshops are especially targeted at researchers who intend to submit a proposal the 1st of October. Participation is strongly advised in order to avoid last-minute problems with forms and data.

You are kindly requested to announce your participation to Mrs. Dafne Pedrazzoli ([email protected]) at latest the day before the event. Sandwich lunch will be organized.